14 Oct ISO Accreditations
MiCiM understand how important implementing management systems are for the success of our business and our clients projects, they give us a framework to ensure we consistently deliver customer satisfaction, whilst challenging us to constantly improve the health and safety, quality, information security and environmental performance.
We this in mind we started the process of aligning MiCiM with ISO business standards this year. It is by no means an easy task to gain just one accreditation but at MiCiM we don’t like to do anything by half so we made the decision to go for 4 integrated standards at once. This took a lot of hard work from our core standards team to implement, but we’re absolutely delighted to say we have been awarded all 4 accreditation from @ISOQSL at once. We have been awarded; ISO 45001:2018 for our Health & Safety Management System, ISO 9001:2015 for our Quality Management System, ISO 27001:2013 for Information Security and ISO 14001:2015 is a standard for Environmental Management.