04 Mar Construction Delivery Services
MiCiM offer a range of Construction Delivery services with a flexible approach depending on our Client’s and the project requirements. Our management and contracting capabilities include; Traditional Contracting, Design and Build, Construction Management, Main Contacting and PMC. These services can be offered for all scales of projects, from Mission Critical Plant Replacement to Data Centre Campus Construction. We have the ability and inhouse expertise to engage and advise our clients on all aspects of Data Centre Construction within the UK and EMEA. We believe for all project’s early engagement maximises results, for new projects MiCiM construction specialists can conduct feasibility studies, buildability reviews, design peer reviews and provide programme advice. MiCiM’s delivery teams also have experience with repeat business Clients in upgrade projects to increase capacity, or replace end of life plant, these projects require a key focus on planning and sequencing limiting impact to live facilities and services. Our main objective for all construction projects is to deliver best in class, on time and within the project constraints, ultimately leaving the client with a positive experience.
If you want discuss your requirements with our in-house specialists, please reach out via email: enquiries@micim.co.uk