29 Apr Our Services: Cost Management
MiCiM cost management team provides cost, commercial and contractual advice and professional quantity surveying services to Clients, designers and other consultants contemplating or undertaking building projects in the data centre market and the wider construction industry.
MiCiM’s cost management service has been established to be able to specifically tailor and deliver a personalised, dedicated and valuable service to each of our particular Clients that suits their needs, business requirements and successfully recognises our Client’s unique project objectives and delivers the project goals.
Our cost management team is focused on delivering an effective cost and commercial management service addressing complete project budgets and the successful delivery of projects. We recognise the initial design development and response to the Client’s brief and requirements will determine the magnitude of the anticipated budget and project outcome, we therefore strive to be integrated into the design process from the outset to advise the cost impact of design proposals and help shape the design to the approved budget and achieve the Client’s aspirations.
Our cost management team are fully experienced in establishing a robust project budget at the earliest stage of project inception and then taking responsibility for developing and managing the budget via refining the project cost plan as the project design develops through to the stage of successful contractor appointment and then actively managing and regularly reporting costs and budget throughout the contract works, contract completion and final account resolution.
Whilst our core service is focused on successfully delivering a transparent, effective and collaborative cost management and quantity surveying service for our Clients we are willing and keen to deliver our service via the following arrangements wherever deemed appropriate or requested:
- Independent MiCiM QS service appointment
- Integrated MiCiM PM and QS team service appointment
- Integrated one stop MiCiM project delivery team appointment
To find out more, please reach out via email; enquiries@micim.co.uk