🚀 Exciting news from the latest issue of Business Focus magazine! Ark Data Centres' CEO, Huw Owen, dives deep into how they're spearheading the data revolution. 🌐 We're thrilled to share that MiCiM, proud providers of project management services for Ark Data Centres, had the honor...

Some of the MiCiM team will be heading to Cannes this June for DataCloud Global Congress. Renowned as the foremost gathering for senior executives in the data center, cloud, edge, digital infrastructure, and AI sectors, this event promises unparalleled networking opportunities. We eagerly anticipate engaging with industry...

🌐 Happy International Data Center Day! 🌟 Today, we celebrate the vital role of data centers in powering our digital world and shaping the future of technology. 🖥️💡 International Data Center Day aims to raise awareness, show support, and inspire future talent in the dynamic world...

We're thrilled to announce that MiCiM will be attending DCW on 6th March 2024 🚀 Even more exciting is the fact that our very own Villie Xeni will be speaking on a panel about 'The Data Centre Dilemma: Building vs Renting - Navigating Risks and Rewards'...

MiCiM and Operational Intelligence are looking forward to attending DCD Connect London next week, we will have senior representation at the event across both days (2nd and 3rd October), and our stand is available on day 2, you can find us at Medium PoP 26...

Tomorrow is Sophia Flucker's official book launch for her first co-authored book; 'Data Centre Essentials: Design, Construction, and Operation of Data Centres for the Non-expert', a momentous occasion, we're so thrilled to be able to share with industry colleagues. The event will feature a panel discussion...

Following on from last weeks panel discussion with Wiley publishers, we're delighted to announce that Sophia Flucker has co-authored her first book, 'Data Centre Essentials: Design, Construction, and Operation of Data Centres for the Non-expert' published by Wiley-Blackwell on 17th August this year. Her co-author...

Some of the MiCiM operations board will be in attendance at the Data Center Nation event in Milan on 31st May at the Milano Convention Centre. The conference agenda of DCN Milan will offer key insights on how to optimise internal and external requirements from a...

Representatives from MiCiM and Operational Intelligence are attending DCD > Connect in Madrid from 23rd - 24th May. Lisa Taylor, MiCiM's Commercial Operations Manager, Will Clark, MiCiM's Development Executive, and Robert Tozer from Operational Intelligence will be in Madrid next week attending the DCD Connect conference....

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