
MiCiM and OI are looking forward to attending DCD Connect at the Park Plaza, Westminster on 17th - 18th October. MiCiM directors; Marc Beattie, Chris Jarman and Jeff Hunter will be in attendance alongside Sophia Flucker and Robert Tozer from Operational Intelligence. We'd love to chat to...

MiCiM provide focused, end to end project management and construction delivery services, specialising in the Data Centre and Mission Critical sectors. We work with our clients to develop their best-in-class facilities in an open, honest and collaborative manner. We are looking for a bright and methodical...

MiCiM provide focused, end to end project management and construction delivery services, specialising in the Data Centre and Mission Critical sectors. We work with our clients to develop their best-in-class facilities in an open, honest and collaborative manner. MiCiM provide focused, end to end project management...

Paul joined MiCiM at the start of 2021 as a Construction Manager having worked on our largest campus build project to date, Paul's enthusiasm and ability to bring teams together has seen him promoted to Project Manager. We chat with Paul about his career so...

MiCiM provide focused, end to end project management and construction delivery services, specialising in the Data Centre and Mission Critical sectors. We work with our clients to develop their best-in-class facilities in an open, honest and collaborative manner.   The Role: We are looking for a hands-on Head...

MiCiM provide focused, end to end project management and construction delivery services, specialising in the Data Centre and Mission Critical sectors. We work with our clients to develop their best-in-class facilities in an open, honest and collaborative manner. We are currently looking for a bright and...

The construction industry continues to be one of the most male-dominated sectors and MiCiM wants to challenge this and help to create more gender equality within our organisation, with the hope that this extends to the entire industry in time. We want to support the ambition...

MiCiM have achieved PC on the first phase of DUB 4 the construction of a data centre building in Dublin, the project also included a central administration building and 4 x 3.84Mw IT data halls. This is a 2 storey build with the data halls...

MiCiM have acquired London based company Operational Intelligence (OI), an organisation that offers bespoke training, consultancy, and commissioning services to clients to optimise their data centre risk and energy performance. The collaborative relationship was formed when working together on several data centre projects. MiCiM’s Managing Director Marc...

MiCiM achieved PC in August for the Cyxtera LHR1-B Data Centre in Slough. The project consisted of upgrading existing data hall by 1.5 MW. Suppling and installing major plant including; Generators, SCRs, TXs, UPS’s, STS’s, PDU’s, Chillers, CRAH’s alongside the construction of a new extension to...

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